Author Topic: Exercitii pentru pectorali -> Nivelul 1 si 2  (Read 16239 times)


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Exercitii pentru pectorali -> Nivelul 1 si 2
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:43:45 PM »
Echipa Passion4Profession ne prezinta un set de exercitii pentru dezvoltarea pectoralilor.
     "Chest Workour Home Version" a fost proiectat pentru a putea efectua un set de exercitii usor si amuzant pentru toti. Aceste exercitii sunt concepute pentru a tonifia muschii pectorali principali (muschii pectorali superiori, majori si minori) si poti lucra oriunde vrei : acasa, in parc, la plaja, la sala etc.
      Nu este nevoie de vreun echipament special pentru aceste exercitii. Daca nu ai o banca flotarile cu picioarele la inaltime poti folosi suprafata mai ridicata (scaunul, patul, o cutie etc).

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Echipa Passion4Profession ne-a pregatit si Nivelul 2 pentru pectorali.

      "Chest Workout Level 2" a fost conceput pentru a fi efectuat in casa, dar sigur, poti efectua setul oriunde vrei.
Asigura-te ca ai invatat cat de cat tehnica fiecarui exercitiu (in special respiratia : inspiri cand cobori, expiri cand te ridici) si executa aceste exercitii de 2 ori pe saptamana.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Develop your body, your mind and your spirit , follow your  way 
Parkour: hard work over time to accomplish skill
Learn the form, seek the formless, hear the soundless. Learn it all, now forget it all. Learn the way, now find your own way.
You have to take it as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it.
- Old German proverb
The individual who is best prepared for any occupation is the one ... able to adapt himself to any situation.
- Mortimer Smith
‎"Without knowledge, skill cannot be focused. Without skill, strength cannot be brought to bear and without strength, knowledge may not be applied."
- Alexander the Great's Chief Physician
If I can do this, I can do anything