Author Topic: Antrenament Constanta  (Read 3815 times)


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Antrenament Constanta
« on: November 06, 2014, 10:02:08 PM »
Buna seara !
Ma numesc Dorian sunt unul din acei oameni care vad parkour ca pe o arta
tin sa anunt si sa incerc prin acest topic sa ii conving pe traceuri din constanta
ca parkour nu se bazeaza pe trick 99% si nici faptul ca mergem pe plaja si
invatam sau perfectionam trick-urile, nu se numeste " am facut antrenament de parkour"
In acelas timp am sa anunt aici ca maine data de 07.11.2014 ora 12:00 are loc un antrenament
de PARKOUR in adevaratul sens al cuvantului care are ca si scop cunoasterea elementelor
de baza , de care un traceur are nevoie !   

Cu stima Cazacu Dorian!


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Re: Antrenament Constanta
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2014, 12:21:45 AM »
Imi place cum gandesti. Posteaza si pe grupul de facebook Traceurs.RO


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Re: Antrenament Constanta
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2014, 09:30:22 AM »
Salut Dorian!

Nu stiu daca ai aflat, dar marea majoritate doar viziteaza forumul si atat, in rest stau astia pe facebook.
Aici ai grupul, da join si vei fi acceptat si tot in grup vei gasi restul de practicanti.
Develop your body, your mind and your spirit , follow your  way 
Parkour: hard work over time to accomplish skill
Learn the form, seek the formless, hear the soundless. Learn it all, now forget it all. Learn the way, now find your own way.
You have to take it as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it.
- Old German proverb
The individual who is best prepared for any occupation is the one ... able to adapt himself to any situation.
- Mortimer Smith
‎"Without knowledge, skill cannot be focused. Without skill, strength cannot be brought to bear and without strength, knowledge may not be applied."
- Alexander the Great's Chief Physician
If I can do this, I can do anything